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Saturday 11 March 2017

A knitters thought

I'm sitting up in bed knitting on Franks sock and I managed to knit 25 rows in 1 hour.   That's 70 stitches x 60 minutes.

Anyway, it occurred to me that the fastest knitter is a lady called Hazel Tindall who lives in Wales and she knits 180 stitches in 2 minutes which is blinking fast.  

So if I could knit the 140 rows of Franks socks (not including the heel and toes), how long would it take to knit a whole sock at the speed of Hazel Tindall.....

I reckon,  without any disturbances, I could knit a sock in about 3 hours.   I will have to try that one day.

I shall leave you with a photo of 2 young girls back in the 1900 knitting socks as part of their chores....
  Can you imagine if the kids these days could or even would do it.

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