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Friday 30 August 2013

Autumn On Its Way

Yep, it's still lovely and warm but there is a chill of a night and as we are all aware, its getting darker in the mornings and evenings. I haven't been out jogging for 6 weeks and it's driving me mad. Everytime I go out and see someone jogging I say 'that should be me' but I can't. I know that if I did, it would put me back again and I would be in pain. My foot has not swelled up as much but it still hurts when I get up in the mornings and after sitting down for a period of time. Doctor said I have 'plantar fascitis' and should avoid exercise like jogging but exercise like walking and stretching. So its a contradictory to me but heyho, they know best. I have been off work for a week for annual leave and not really done much but it has been a good rest. I have been dealing with some stressful times the past few weeks which has not been easy but as a parent, you just have to cope. I did intend to do a lot of cleaning and catching up with the decorating but alas, I failed miserably. All we did was paint the wood cladding in the hall, stairs and landing. It looks lovely and fresh painted white but I wanted to do so much more, never mind! Anyway, I have been busy crocheting and knitting and my latest project is this
I have called it Autumn on its way but may change the name as it progresses. I have been enjoying the garden too and F has been pottering around taking cuttings which always excites me. I hope we get some multiples for the spring next year. I will start my christmas knitting soon, cant believe how quick the year is going. That's all folks, hope to have more for you next time.

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